Monday 23 May 2016

Teddy before and after the weekend. Not entirely happy. I don't seem to be getting the hang of silk shading. It's probably just practice, but how long does it take? I think I should have started at the bottom as it looks like his fur is layered that way. I think when I restart I'll start at the bottom. I spent some time on Tanya Berlin's website to see how she does her fur. She draws a lot more on her silk and has a pattern to follow. I'll try this I think.

Sunday 22 May 2016

At the end of my first week with Tracy in Durham, the Lace Maker is now finished and ready to mount ready for assessment. We will start mounting on Tuesday and I will finish in the evenings.

Tracy started me off again on Teddy on Friday, so I can work on him over the weekend.

Also hoping to get started on Whitework next week, so I will have two projects to finish before next summer!

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Nearly there! Just need to soften the shading on her face. It is a bit too sharp. Then I 'm adding some embellishments to reflect those in the painting. Tracy will help me next week, when I'm in Durham for my 2 week intensive.

So the plan is to finish The Lacemaker, mount it and submit for assessment, re-establish contact with Teddy, my silk-shading project, so that I can finish him over the next year, and start a whitework project. Gosh, what a plan!